--- North American Resistance Committee (NARC)

This is an open announcement to the peoples of the world and her enemies of our stated call  for the destruction of Pax Americana and the Zionist enemy, of the defeat of imperialism, Zionism and neo-colonialism worldwide. We reject the global dictatorship of the American “government” and Jewish Zionist power worldwide. We affirm the inalienable right and need to resist and reject the enemies' authority and legitimacy altogether. NARC affirms that the synthesis of ideas using an anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist compass, rather than dogmatic in-group ideas, is necessary towards formulating correct ideas and building broad alliances against the common enemies and oppressors. 

Discussion has been unfolding behind the scenes for a very long time about the creation of intergenerational frameworks, i.e. that our forces as they stand today within the United States are not yet strong enough, towards defending the resistance option worldwide and how to tangibly build such here at home. Through coordinated dialogue between various elements of the Black Power movement,  various Third Worldist and national communist forces in the West, Islamic community leaders and overall anti-Zionist discourse, it became clear that a vanguard is needed to enter and build the revolutionary mass line in the United States. The 60s and 70s, which brought about great waves of revolutionary progress, have long since past and the future is for our children and children’s children. Our playbook is unique from any revolutionary mass line in history. Its lines reflect such uniqueness and the peculiar complexities of the world today. We stand for destroying the enemy rather than asserting to the people what in-group behavior leads them to believe is best for destroying the enemy.

NARC promotes the generally leftist and pro-resistance framework while asserting primacy to nationalistic and religious frameworks within it. We seek to root out the sinister agendas of globalism, cosmopolitanism, liberalism, dogmatism and Western linear thought that are severely limiting the productivity of revolutionaries and anti-imperialists operating in the United States and around the world. We embrace class struggle in the United States. However, we contest that antagonistic contradictions between Pax Americana and the Afro-descendant peoples, Chicano ethno-nationalism, Puerto Ricans and Indigenous peoples are deeper and more significant than many socialists and others understand. 

NARC challenges the generally philo-Judaic narrative and psychology of the Western left which drastically exaggerates Jewish historical oppression and underestimates Jewish group identity’s significant role in world reaction from centuries before modern Zionism to today. However, we are students of social sciences and histography, not German National Socialists. Our call to the children of Jewish group identity is one of assimilation with the oppressed people, not race laws. To the extent that we challenge the severe harm done to social movements by Jewish leftists and anti-Zionism espousing Jews, our call is for sincere revolutionaries from the sons and daughters of Jewish group identity to follow the examples of John Brown and Che Guevara rather than the a dominant overall Jewish paradigm of anti-popular subversion.

NARC accepts much of the anti-white leftist and anti-white anti-colonial frameworks which clarify that white people in America constitute less a race or nationality than a parasitic and predatory social construct which stems from colonialism and often closes ranks with imperialism and Zionism. However, we note the reality of internal dynamism within white social roles and its overall rapid movement towards assimilation. 

NARC affirms the inalienable right to self-determination and the validity of pan-unitary projects such as Pan-Africanism, Pan-Arabism, Bolivarianism and even Pan-Islamic frameworks. To this end, we open-endedly support anti-imperialist regimes, armies and social movements against the enemies of the world even as secondary contradictions occur.

NARC is at the forefront of correct anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist principles today. We affirm the Arab identity of Palestine from the River to the Sea and the general spirit of the Palestinian National Charter. We affirm solidarity with the Arab and Islamic resistance option in Yemen. We hail the outstanding Songun revolutionary march of the Korean people under the brilliant leadership of Comrade Kim Jong Un. We salute the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan for having brought US imperialism to its knees. From Niger to Venezuela to everywhere else, NARC affirms self-determination and the Resistance Option.

NARC denounces the Zionist enemy’s bloodbath of aggression in Gaza and the absolute misanthropic hatred inherent in Jewish Supremacy and Zionism as it targets even women and children for destruction. We affirm support for Palestinian armed resistance and call for dramatically expanding the boycott of the Zionist entity and companies aiding it. Furthermore, we sincerely advise our comradely brothers and sisters outside of the United States to organize a vast anti-American popular boycott. 

NARC seeks direct dialogue with anarchists and other street level militants towards destabilizing US imperialism domestically as a consequence of its financing of the Zionist entity’s assault. Let no normalcy exist to this carnage!

Many great lessons exist from the Western anti-globalization playbook of the late 90s and early 2000s relating to black bloc tactics, “direct action” and overall youth-led popular confrontations with the enemy’s police and “government centers”  which are useful today. Let the young lions roar!

NARC calls for open stated support of the Korean Revolution, not just as a Third World anti-capitalist brother nation, but because of the tremendous amount of good the Korean Revolution has done around the world. This includes supporting the Black Panther Party and non-recognition of the Zionist entity. We call for actively studying aspects of Juche and Songun found in the Korean Revolutionary playbook towards their usefulness. In particular, we call for the Black Power- Korean dialogue, the Brown Power - Korean dialogue and the Islamic - Korean dialogue by revolutionaries operating in the United States.

NARC calls for the immediate formation of a vanguard bloc to defend the Sahel and the Third World from neo-colonialism. We call for better understanding the actual realities in Sudan and the unity of peoples towards progress and development. We call for the escalation of social studies and histography related to the intertwining of neo-colonialism in the periphery of capital with globalization and Zionist world domination as it applies to the West. We also call for popularizing anti-sanctions frameworks prolifically.

NARC calls on the defense of social sciences and the building of revolutionary histography as vanguard to our efforts today. It defends the right to do so from an independent standpoint free of dogma. Such occurs through a process of systemization  of information and data. It affirms vanguardism over spontaneous grass roots frameworks because the world today is much more complicated and difficult to navigate than many sincere progressive and revolutionary-minded peoples are capable of understanding. We affirm the right to seek out correct ideas and a correct perception of history free of the toxic stuffiness of political correctness.

In keeping with the right to resist, NARC supports the call for the release of all resistance detainees, political prisoners and prisoners of war from the dungeons of the enemy. We do not nitpick with those being detained nor those on the frontlines of tangible resistance, especially armed resistance, over secondary matters or differences of opinion. Such are the contradictions of internal revolutionary mass lines, contradictions between the people and the peoples of the world whose destiny is united in the great project for liberation.

We affirm the Black Power-Brown Power-Indigenous-Arabist-leftist revolutionary synthesis in the United States. Then from there the anti-imperialist class struggle frameworks arise as well as how to promote overall anti-government, anti-corporatist and anti-militarist ideas. 

Our struggle is an intergenerational struggle, a particularly protracted one. The questions of today must be answered, particularly as it regards supporting Third World resistance movements, armies and regimes. NARC also promotes tangible baby steps of building revolution at home. 

The North American Resistance Committee (NARC) calls  for the formation of correct ideas and decisive action against imperialism and Zionism, from within the epicenter of imperialism, with a belief in our indestructible power as we work collectively.

Death to the global dictatorship of tyranny!

Victory to  the Resistance Option!