--- North American Resistance Committee (NARC)
Just as the extreme super-majority of Jews today are not simply predatory Zionists, but openly and unapologetically call for the extermination of Gaza, wicked Jewish group identity has an inherent historical hatred for the Russian people going back centuries. Understanding this subjective factor is central towards understanding anti-imperialist geopolitics and the new post-Soviet Cold War.
The North American Resistance Committee (NARC) has tremendous differences with Putin, particularly his relationship with international Zionism and his internal Jewish oligarchs. Nonetheless, we affirm a call for the unity, independence, and prosperity of Russia and peace throughout the greater Eurasian sphere.
US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, not coincidentally a Jewish Supremacist, recently met with Dmytro Kuleba, his counterpart in the Ukraine, calling for the rapid acceleration of Ukraine into NATO. Yet again, Jewish group identity’s hegemony over mainline US Imperialism expresses its agenda of throwing the American people haplessly into senseless wars of aggression. Such prolonged wars serve the interests of no one else except Jews as a group and their lackeys, the military industrial complex, and predatory Atlanticist finance capital forces.
Why should the NATO enemy even exist, much less be expanded? What interest does it actually serve to the citizens of such countries? What genuine common threat do such people actually face from the outside world against their prosperity and existence? In bombing and destroying Libya, whose architect was French Jew Bernard-Henri Lévy, how can we possibly argue that NATO in someway “liberated” its member states from external Libyan aggression?
The predatory schizophrenic ultra-insular Jewish collective soul, which expresses itself today through international Zionism, holds tremendously violent accumulated grudges against all the peoples who resisted her hegemony and conspiracies throughout history. This primarily includes Slavs, Germans, Arabs, and Iranians. Understanding and explaining Jewish ethno-religious imprints is central to understanding imperialism itself today.
The enemies of the world do not complain at Russia’s vast counter-revolutionary alliance with the Zionist entity and tolerance of a Jewish financial oligarchy, an experience shared by America. They bitterly denounce the healing between Russia and China, relationships with Korea, Syria, and Iran and Russian support for forces resisting neo-colonialism in the Sahel.
Forces actively building the resistance option, particularly Arabs, must correctly assess what their relationship with Russia should be given Putin’s support for Zionism and mediocre anti-imperialism. Meanwhile, those of us in the West must unequivocally denounce and work against the Russophobic conspiracy. In many and most ways, this mirrors how approaches to China should also work.