— North American Resistance Committee (NARC)

This Ramadan let us introduce our readers to New Afrikan Islamic resistance detainee Imam Jamil Al-Amin. Imam Jamil Al-Amin, long before his reversion to Islam, has been a central part of the Black Power movement. 

Known as H. Rap Brown before his reversion to Islam many decades ago, Imam Jamil Al-Amin coined the powerful and explosive book Die Niger Die! and threw himself at the New Afrikan anti-colonial and anti-imperialist front. Of note are his activities with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. His activities in the awakened freedom struggle found him in-and-out of enemy confinement and a direct target of the counter-revolutionary COINTELPRO program. 

During the 70s, while a political prisoner, Imam Jamil Al-Amin began to study the alqeeda of Ahlul Sunnah wa Jamaat and took his shahada. Upon his release, Imam Jamil Al-Amin threw himself fully into both classical studies and community organizing. Central to this was the emerging Afro-Islamic renaissance in Atlanta.

As he reflected upon tawheed and building Islamic identity in the West, his frameworks began to reflect an understanding of the need for an intergenerational community-building approach. Imperialism and Zionism today are very strong. Both Islamic and New Afrikan forces are under tremendous repression. Hence the need for scientifically assessing how to make tangible gains that are built to last. Healing the people, teaching them their purpose in life and fighting both social ills and injustice became central.

The Dar-ul-Islam Movement is a direct fruition of Imam Jamil Al-Amin’s efforts and includes numerous chapters throughout both the United States and Africa. Imam Jamil Al-Amin was to write a second and very vital work, Revolution by the Book: (the Rap is Live), explaining his new trajectory and the importance of implementing Islam to oppressed peoples.

Wikipedia and other reactionary sources falsely attribute “Black Separatism” to Imam Jamil Al-Amin. While Imam Jamil Al-Amin is dedicated to Black liberation and community organizing efforts in the New Afrikan community, his principles follow that of Islamic universalism and brotherhood. He opposes biological racism and the parameters he has set embrace all Muslims everywhere and broad unity. From his cell today, his mind is clear and he actively anguishes over the assault on Gaza.

In 2000, Al-Amin was falsely arrested for the murder of a police officer despite clear evidence that someone else who admitted to the action had done so. Imam Jamil Al-Amin’s finger prints weren’t even found on the murder weapon. This follows an American post-COINTELPRO agenda of placing blame for inflammatory police shootings on New Afrikan political dissidents, mirroring closely the situation of independent journalist Mumia Abu Jamal.

The Imam Jamil Action Network (IJAN) works for the release of Imam Jamil Al -Amin as well as global social justice. Both Muslims and non-Muslims are invited to join hands with this great project. Efforts are underway to get the Imam a new trial towards his much-deserved release.

The North American Resistance Committee (NARC) is proud to introduce Imam Jamil Al-Amin’s legacy to our readers and calls for his release.