--- Abdur-Rahman Sohail, North American Resistance Committee (NARC)
Though there may be intervals of détente, there is no delaying the confrontation between the forces of liberation and those of colonialism. A revolution may have been successful, but its path of struggle does not end with overthrowing an old order, but in maintaining its course of sovereign development against the threat of malevolent forces. A revolution is fueled by faith- in God, in a just cause, and love for the people. The ultimate, selfless sacrifice for these principles is the reason for the exalted status of martyrs in Islam and in Arab culture. For a man as pure and noble as Sidi Omar al Mukhtar, the hero of the Islamic world, of the Arab nation, and of the African continent, there was no other outcome but confrontation and martyrdom in the struggle against wicked greed and cruel aggression.
Like the heroic guerrillas of Palestine following in his footsteps, Sidi Omar al Mukhtar promised: "I will not cease until I reach one of two peaks- martyrdom or victory." Though in his lifetime Omar al Mukhtar did not see Libya liberated, his martyrdom and contributions cemented the struggle of future generations of Libyans to actualize this necessary goal. One of the first martyrs of the struggle against the Italians in 1911 under the leadership of Sidi Omar was Abdel-Salam abu-Minyar, who was raised as a martyr in the opening battle of al-Khums. From his progeny was born a child in the desert, who like Sidi Omar al-Mukhtar memorized the Quran at a young age, promoted the learning of the Quran, led the revolutionary struggle of his nation, and ultimately also achieved martyrdom against the same usurping colonial invaders, their allies, and their lackeys.
"Who is to say the Italians or the Turks will not occupy us again? Over the last 1000 years, history repeated itself over and over in this land. It happened to us 400 years ago, and again 75 years ago. This means it can definitely occur again in the future. A foreign cross can be hung over our land, or we can be sold by one empire to another as we were in 1912 in exchange for a few islands."
-Muammar al Qaddafi
Today, both the zio-imperial Crusaders and the Turkish state have re-established their occupying bases on the sacred Libyan soil.
Upon arriving in France for the first time, Muammar al Qaddafi signed a single sentence in the national record- "We are here." This harkened back to the words of French General Gouraud, who proclaimed upon occupying Syria and entering the tomb of Salahuddin “We are back”. Upon arriving in Italy for the first time to secure colonial reparations, al Qaddafi brought along with him the son of Shaheed Sidi Omar and the children of Libya's martyrs. Pinned on his military uniform, al Qaddafi proudly wore the last ever captured photo of Sidi Omar, alongside whom his grandfather Abdel-Salam fought. Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi knelt over to kiss the hand of Mohammed Omar al-Mukhtar, one of the terms and expectations of the Libyan Jamahiriya. The aging sons of the Libyan anti-Italian martyrs strolled in their gleaming white robes alongside Muammar al Qaddafi, walking proudly in the streets of Rome. From the same balcony that Mussolini addressed the world to boast about Italian colonial agendas in Libya, al Qaddafi stepped out to greet the Italian people and repeated the Quranic verse 17:8 {وَإِنۡ عُدتُّمۡ عُدۡنَاۚ}. On June 11, 2009, when the Libyans arrived in Italy, the formerly banned Moustapha Akkad/Libyan Jamahiriya produced film "Lion of the Desert" picturizing the life of Omar al-Mukhtar "coincidentally" aired for the first time on Sky Italy, and the citizens of the nation could not escape its viewing. Undoubtedly, the efforts of the Jamahiriya to promote the legacy of Sidi Omar increased his supporters and admirers in this world, years after his martyrdom. Demands were made (and began the process of fulfillment) for Italy to pay reparations for the barbaric colonial era of Mussolini in Libya.
The symbolic parallels between the lives, struggles, and martyrdoms of two great Libyan, Arab, Islamic, and African heroes is no coincidence.
-The Italians captured and hung Shaheed Omar al Mukhtar after he descended from his horse after tracking and cornering the resistance.
-The rats captured and murdered Shaheed Muammar al Qaddafi after the motorcade was destroyed by NATO aerial bombardment after tracking and cornering the resistance.
-On the 100th anniversary of the Satanic Italian fascist "arrival" in Libya to colonize it in 1911, NATO launched its wretched offensive to recolonize Libya in 2011.
-The grandfather of Muammar al Qaddafi, Abdel-Salam Abu Minyar, was the first martyr in 1911 at al-Khums in the first battle against the Italian colonizers.
-The Italians who stepped onto the shores of Libya October of 1911 were sent packing October of 1969 after a great revolution.
-The young colonel who led al-Fateh Revolution and directed the expulsion of colonizing foreigners was martyred in October 2011.
-Sidi Omar al Mukhtar lived from 1862 until 1931, martyred at age 69.
-Muammar al Qaddafi lived from 1942 until 2011, martyred at age 69.
-The mother of Sidi Omar al Mukhtar was Ayesha Bint-Muharib and the mother of al Qaddafi was Ayesha Ben-Niran.
-Both Sidi Omar and Brother al Qaddafi were born to nomadic tribes in small villages near the Libyan coast, and both married into al-Barasa tribe.
-Sidi Omar was a Hafidh and teacher of the Quran; Brother Leader al Qaddafi also became a Hafidh of the Quran at a young age, promoted Quranic schools and international competitions, and established official recognition of Hifdh comparable to college degrees.
-The degenerate traitor who hung Omar al Mukhtar for the Italians was Abdul-Salam al-Tawerghi from Benghazi, and the degenerate traitor who killed Muammar al Qaddafi for NATO was Sind al-Arabi, also from Benghazi.
-Shaheed Sidi Omar al-Mukhtar's jihad was not against one colonizer, but against the British, French, AND Italians until his martyrdom. A martyrdom mirroring that of Omar al Mukhtar for the global revolutionary Muammar al Qaddafi while facing an army of 40 oppressive nations was but a sign.
May Allah Shower His Infinite Mercy upon all the martyrs of righteous causes of liberation, Reward them for their selfless actions, Forgive them for their shortcomings, Make us worthy successors to their struggle, and Preserve the sincerity within our intentions.