April 9, 2024

Dearest comradely brothers and sisters,

This letter is a painful matter long overdue and stems from self-reflection as we Muslims have just completed our sacred month of fasting during Ramadan. I hope that it is of some value, as my children open up their Eid gifts, towards the parameters of intergenerational revolutionary struggle against the devils today who are the enemies of the world and must be overthrown.

You, the Mexican people today, both those in Mexico and those expressing Chicano ethnic character on lands occupied and stolen by the US imperialists, are a proud working class people of strong families and intergenerational resistance. We must join hands, all the oppressed peoples and toiling ones, towards formulating the resistance option for the betterment of the future.

In my youth, I did a number of incredible things, from actively supporting the Iraqi resistance to supporting socialist Korea. I also allowed my own white chauvinism to detract from such work and to blind me of the realities of the white devil as a malignant colonial tumor. In formulating a European-American National Communism, I gave the white devil a validity  Europeans deserve in Russia and Ireland, but definitely not in America. While my stance was often frontline and heroic towards resistance against the Zionist enemy and US imperialism around the world, it utterly failed revolutionary parameters at home.

So now that I am older, having assimilated into New Afrikan and Islamic frameworks and having found that the core of revolutionary identity is to serve the Creator, Islam was to teach me a great and liberating humility. Islam was for me not just a hope for salvation in the next life, but the creation of an ethno-Islamic identity whose trajectory is the Third World and a force against the chaos of white youth rebellion.

With due respect to the heroism and martyrdom of El Commandante Che Guevara, I believe that it is Islam, not simply socialism, best suited towards removing the misanthropy of white Americans. Many Christian comrades are aware of the greatness of many of the Prophets, upon them be peace, and the profoundly universal revolutionary message they brought, while not knowing as much about the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. Not only the final Prophet, but a genius of sociology, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, taught the formerly warring enemies of Arabia to deeply love one another and unite. This framework had a profound impact in strengthening Malcolm X’s spiritual development as well as former Black Panther turned Islamic resistance detainee Imam Jamil Al Amin, who today stands firm from his prison cell.

Had the Mexican people been able to express freely her Chicano ethnic character as an extension of indigenous ethnic character, Mexico would potentially rival Russia and China in global influence. Both US imperialism and global Zionism would be much weaker. Clearly, the battle for Aztlan isn't simply a humanitarian matter of immigrant rights, but has the potential to be frontline to anti-imperialist class struggle worldwide.

Today a tremendous rift has occurred between internal forces of the US imperialists regarding controlling “illegal” mass migration at the Texas border. May they both perish and burn in hell! The federal government is the enemy and has no right to regulate anything ever.

Long live the intergenerational frameworks towards the liberation of Aztlan!

Sincerely yours,

Walid Al Amriki, Public Relations Director of the North American Resistance Committee (NARC)