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--- Walid al Amriki
Today enemy plots against our Ummah are popping up from all sides. At home, radical Islamophobia is being purposely fueled against us as well as overall racist behavior. Such fanatical chauvinism is being directed against both traditionally Muslim peoples such as Arabs and Pakistanis, as well as provocations against African-Americans, Mexicans and many others. We are under attack at home and abroad.
Our Ummah here is operating under very real repression. We are at a critical time and place in which we absolutely cannot afford division. For this reason, it has become abundantly clear that we must address anti-Islamic attitudes and behaviors relating to African-American Muslims and the African-American people in general. It is hoped that as we purify our intentions individually and collectively for the sake of Allah a greater healing and unity can be accomplished.
Very few Asian and Arab immigrant Muslims understand that beneath the surface of cordial relations in the masjid and community at large, a sense of resentment exists by many African-American Muslims. There is a sense that Arab and Asian immigrant Muslims often behave as if they are better Muslims because of their heritage than African-American Muslims, Many chauvinistic statements and actions have occurred over the course of decades that have created feelings of exclusion. Furthermore, while the Muslim-Americans have made a strong presence known with regards to Palestine, their presence in actively supporting the intergenerational Black Liberation Movement has been woefully inadequate. This is despite the fact that African-American Muslims are a major part of Black Liberation and a deeply respected voice in the African-American community. Islam is a fundamental part of the African-American community intergenerationally.
Today we are witnessing the brutality of the Zionist enemy as it relentlessly slaughters Palestinian women and children without mercy. The US imperialists from both parties have made it abundantly clear that Zionism and US imperialism are intertwined. The unprovoked aggression, slaughter and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan are only recent memories. Tens of millions of people throughout the Ummah are dangerously close to starving today because of imperialist greed, just as they are dangerously close to starving throughout the Third World.
It is past time that we as Muslim-Americans took initiative to fight back. We can’t do that if we aren’t united, and we can’t do that as a small minority of the population without allies. The African-American people have waged an unrelenting struggle for liberation over the course of centuries. They have written the playbook for intergenerational struggle in the United States. Rather than being “inferior” African-American Muslims often have real knowledge and experience that our Ummah needs.
Purely on the level of dawah, the African-American Muslims have been doing a tremendously good job and they have been doing so for a very long time. As America works hard day and night to break down the African-American people, the Islamic project has come into the African-American community as a beacon of hope. It is the sons and daughters of the African-American people. Real work has been done to teach the people tawheed. On a social level, the Islamic presence in the African-American community is an important voice against prostitution, drugs, gang violence and other social ills. It is the voice of building strong families, of working hard and being educated.
Rather than looking down on African-American Muslims, we have a lot to respect about them. They also play a pivotal role in the unity of the Muslim-Americans and the African-Americans against imperialism and Zionism and for prosperity.